Texas Two-Step CPR
From Friday February 8 to Sunday February 16, medical students will join forces with national non-profits HealthCorps and First Impact for the 5th Annual National Two Step CPR: Save a Life Campaign. Free hands-only CPR training will be offered over two weekends at public sites in Texas and 14 states across the United States. Participating states include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma and Texas. Sites for Houston include Memorial City Mall, The Health Museum and University of Houston campus.
During 5-minute training sessions, participants will learn how to act quickly in the event of cardiac emergencies by following two easy steps: 1) Call 911 and 2) Push hard and fast in the center of the chest until help arrives. “Nearly 1,000 people daily in the US will suffer an out of hospital cardiac arrest. Survival for these individuals has been shown to improve dramatically with prompt CPR. With community focused training events we hope to empower our neighbors and community members to bridge the gap from witnessed cardiac arrest to EMS arrival. Together we can improve the survival statistics,” said Ashley Cohen, Two Step CPR board member and M.D. candidate at Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.
The event was created by a group of medical students and the Texas College of Emergency Physicians in 2016 after recognizing the need to train more Texans in lifesaving, hands-only CPR. To date, the event has trained over 18,500 in proper compression-only CPR technique.
We are so proud of how this initiative has continued to grow from year to year. We are so grateful to our amazing partners who have helped us bring this lifesaving event to communities across the country,” said HealthCorps Chief Operating Officer Michelle Marquez.
The participating medical students attend: Texas A&M College of Medicine, UT Health Center / McGovern, and Baylor College of Medicine.
Phi Delta Epsilon Medical Fraternity is a national community partner and Texas Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (TX-CARES), Emergency Medical Residents Association (EMRA), Texas College of Emergency Physicians (TCEP), and Texas Medical Association Foundation (TMA) are Regional community partners for the event.
To learn more about the event and to find a training near you, please visit www.twostepcpr.com